Many customers and friends at the market come by and see out chicken pictures. They love seeing what we have out here laying the beautiful brown jewels they come to the market to buy. We chat about what varieties we have, what will start laying this summer, and then I mention we have ducks! We were again at the farm store getting feed and they just so happened to be getting their last and HUGE order of chicks. This led to a discussion about what they had in the back too, and there were some ducks and turkeys that were older and needed a home. We got them for less than retail since they were older. 7 Peking Ducks, and 9 white turkeys. One duck was a runt with a leg issue so it was thrown in for free, "just in case".
Here they are on their first field trip to the yard and a mud hole from the rainstorm they had a great time getting dirty in. |
Little tiny Puddle the yellow duck under the light was in the house for a while until his feet got under him. I think the turkeys think they are ducks too :) |
Fast forward about four weeks and looky here! They are HUGE! We are excited to find out if they are boys are girls soon. I have read that boys have a curled feather on their tail, and a lower more raspy sounding quack. While girls have the normal quack you would think of when listening to a duck. These are usually raised for meat but we are keeping them for eggs first to see how that goes. I have read that they can start laying within 7 months, so lets hope it is sooner than later! I can't wait for Duck eggs!

As they are free ranging now a tragedy happened this week. I came home after helping at the school to find three turkeys and our beloved Puddle dead in the grass. It looked like something just killed them and didn't take them or eat them. We are sad, but know that this is nature too. Our little farm girl said some words as daddy buried them, and we are celebrating their life this Sunday with cake, homemade ice cream, and some outside fun, probably in the water :) We better leave the dogs outside when we are gone from now on!
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