New digs
More chicks......every trip to the farm store.
We started with an idea, a dream to have some chickens. We finally had some land, and could not resist the chicks at the farm store. With 15 little fluff balls we went home, found a large leftover moving box, and they started to grow........
The first babies taking a field trip outside.
It seems that every time we made a trip to one of the farm stores this past spring and summer, we came home with more CHICKS! We started with 5 Buff Orrington's, 5 Black Stars, and 5 Red pullets. We added 6 Easter Eggers - in which we were surprised to get our Barred Rock rooster, and 1 Barred Rock hen. I also couldn't pass up 4 adorable little golden puffs that would be our Bantam hen, and three Bantam roosters. Man were those 3 roosters feisty! More on their life later. On one trip my 3 year old and husband thought it great to surprise mommy with 5 Rhode Island Reds, so we added them to the brood.
Two of our kiddos and the chicks exploring nature. The bantams kept jumping through the fence holes :) And the dog just watched......wondering what to make of these puffs.
The five Rhode Island Reds as chicks outside for our daughters birthday party
with Tootsie the Guinea Pig.
Our ladies and one gentleman enjoying the nice weather, they were almost laying by this time. |
The bantam hen next to our proud Barred Rock Rooster. |
Taking care of his ladies :) |
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