So a few years ago I was having major trouble with our dishwasher at the time. I was always getting white film on the dishes after they went through the normal cycle. It was a new washer after redoing our kitchen, and I tried everything! New soap, rinse agent, different cycles......noting was working. I decided to research some recipes and make my own. I have not gone back since! I use vinegar as the rinse agent, and have had great success between moving to new houses, and different types of water. I use a small scoop from an empty formula container. One scoop per load is just enough. I do guard you against closing the lid of your container as soon as you mix it. Mine tends to solidify into a huge chunk unless I mix it and then let it "air out" for a bit. The ingredients get rid of the moisture they hold, or from their interaction, and I have little to no clumping then. Here is the dishwashing powder recipe:
2 cups Borax
2 cups Arm & Hammer washing powder/soda
1 cup Lemi Shine
1 cup kosher salt
Essential Oils if you like a favorite scent - lemon, citrus fresh or lavender are my choices usually
I measure and mix in my plastic container from the dollar store, then close the lid and shake to mix it up. Remember, leave the lid off for a while then close and shake again, or mix with a spoon so it doesn't clump on you. Enjoy! Cheaper, easy, not so many harsh chemicals, and clean dishes!
This worked out so well I thought I would try my own laundry soap. For a family of 6 now, including cloth diapers some weeks, we have a TON of laundry! I needed a more cost effective way to do my loads, and have fresh clean clothes, while getting out stains.
I again researched and found one that I adapted to meet my needs. I mix a large batch and keep it in two plastic containers. I use about 2 tablespoons of detergent per load. This mix is for general laundry and not my cloth diapers, that is another recipe to come later :)
1 box Borax
1 box Arm & Hammer Washing Powder
1 bar of pure castile soap, Fels Naptha, Ivory, or any other natural unscented bar soap
Baking Soda added per load by the tablespoon to freshen laundry, and sometimes Oxyclean for really dirty, from the coop/play all day outside clothes
I mix these into a tub or large bowl. The bar soap I grate on a cheese grater, or give a quick blend in my mixer or food processor if I need the chunks smaller. Then stir until incorporated and use! Once I even had a bar of peppermint castile soap and LOVED using that for something different. Nothing like keeping the bugs/spiders away from sleeping babies like peppermint scented PJs!
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