I had always wanted a dog. My dad did not want the extra four legs around, was working on our old farm house, and a dog just didn't make sense. Now mind you I did have pets. There was Fanny my goldfish. She was a wonderful Kindergarten pet, and met a tragic ending when my little brother, about 3ish at the time, dumped the can of fish food in her bowl. We found out that day that Goldfish eat, and eat, and eat. Then there were the tadpoles we raised into frogs, and the turtle with three legs. They were from the local pond, or "Pit" as everyone calls it. We must not forget the mouse my mom saw me talking to as it perished in the trap that ended its life. I just couldn't stay away I guess from animal pets, especially those that are the "underdog" as my mom says I magnetize to.
So fast forward to my wedding, new life with my husband, and first house! What does that call for.......a dog! I could not wait to get to the humane society to check on what they had for us. I visited shortly after we moved to Louisiana and were settled in our house. There were many, many, puppies there all about the same age, 4 1/2 months old. Most were Catahula puppies, spotted, and energetic. Then I came upon this puppy, covered in reddish brown fur, looking up at my with those, yes......puppy dog eyes! He was adorable! It seemed like he wanted me! You know you have heard this story before :) So he became ours and we have LOVED him ever since.

Duncan, such a cutie!
As a puppy, with a new born, he would rush down the hall when she was fussing, as if to say, "Mom, come on! She needs us!" He is so calm, even as a puppy. He has rarely chewed what he wasn't supposed to, and grew up with our oldest child. We just got him home, and found out we were pregnant with her :) He is WONDERFUL with babies, kids, other dogs, adults - except new male service people who come to the house, or the mailman. He really is a huge teddy bear! I have had the papers for years that tell us he is a German Shepherd/Husky mix, but with his spotted tongue and legs crossed when he lays down, I am told he is probably part Chow also. Whatever he is, we love him to the end of the Earth!
Duncan |
I couldn't have asked for a better companion. He truly is MY dog. With my husband he plays and rough houses, but never bites. He barks at my husband when I am getting too much attention from him, and he always come when I call. He loves to lick feet(ewww), steal loaves of bread from the counter, like butter wrappers from the garbage, and waits under the table and high chairs for crumbs. He is usually sprawled out or curled on my bed, snoring while he dreams. Now that we are out here with open land he loves to explore, but always finds time to help herd the chickens back to the coop. He even lets me know when they get out and are not supposed to! What a good chicken dog :)

He lets the kids play all over him, and when he is tired of them, he just simply gets up and walks away. He is a wonderful guard dog, and sounds very ferocious at the door when new comers deliver a package, or even cars drive down the lane at night. When my husband is out of town for work, he senses it, and is more anxious and watching out the window for trouble. Chasing squirrels are a favorite pastime, or sneaking away to see the neighbor's female dogs. As our oldest human child turns 8, we also celebrate this wonderful dog's life and say he is about 9 years old. One day soon we will go again to the shelter to look for a dog he can help us raise into a fine dog with good manners. He is our first "born" baby, and gets to sleep on whatever couch he wants, or my bed till I get there :)
I chose the name after a family doctor we had for years who was mild mannered, soft spoken, but very attentive and caring. |

We love you Duncan! |
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